Dear Treasurers,

Thank you for agreeing to serve your local PT(S)A!  The PTA Council of Howard County (PTACHC) is here to be your primary resource for answers to any questions you (or your fellow officers) may have as you carry out your duties as a PT(S)A officer.  I will be sending you periodic newsletters throughout the year with what I think is important information for you to have, but you should feel free to contact me (or any other PTACHC board member) at any time with any PT(S)A questions you may have. All treasurers (both new and returning) along with one other officer are required to have PTA financial training every year. Your fiscal year started July 1 and though no forms are due yet, there are a few things that you should be working on before the school year starts:

  1. Your budget.  Before your first general meeting in the fall you must have established a budget committee and prepared a proposed budget for the 2023-2024 year.  More information about the budget can be found in Free State PTA’s (FSPTA) Financial Guide: starting on page 47.  Don’t forget to budget for the PTACHC dues increase to $200.

  2. After the end of the fiscal year on June 30th, all PT(S)As must have a financial review of their books.  This review can be done by an audit committee of three PT(S)A members or your PT(S)A can hire an accountant.  A copy of this review is due to FSPTA and to PTACHC by October 30th, but it should be completed as soon as possible over the summer.  More information about the review can be found in FSPTA’s Financial Guide starting on page 68.

  3. Check to make sure your PT(S)A insurance for 2023-2024 was paid in June.

Websites with useful information:

Thank you for all you do for the children in your community! Every child, one voice. Laurie Ramey, PTACHC Treasurer Email:


Free State PTA Financial Guide 2022-23

PTACHC Financial Training 2023  Power Point presentation

Free State PTA Leadership Training Resources 2023